Office 365 Hybrid Exchange On-premises Validation Check Part 1

Hi Guys, just wanted to share some basic script to validate the existing Office 365 Hybrid configuration status check from on-premises Exchange Servers and Office 365 Cloud. I have divided the health check into two parts where Part 1 will collect the report from local Exchange Servers to Office 365 Cloud. Follow the process below as instructed.

Login to Exchange Management Shell using administrative account credentials and execute the following query.

$ts = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_hhmmss 
$FormatEnumerationLimit = -1
Start-Transcript OnPremises$ts.txt
Get-FederationTrust | fl
Get-FederatedOrganizationIdentifier | fl
Get-OrganizationRelationship | fl 
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -ADPropertiesOnly | fl
Get-AutoDiscoverVirtualDirectory -ADPropertiesOnly | fl
Get-RemoteMailbox [email protected] | fl
Get-Mailbox [email protected] | fl
Test-FederationTrust -UserIdentity [email protected] -Verbose
Test-FederationTrustCertificate | fl
Get-AvailabilityAddressSpace | fl
Get-IntraOrganizationConnector | fl
Get-FederationInformation -Domainname
Get-ExchangeServer OnpremCAS1| fl
Get-ExchangeServer OnpremCas2 | fl
Get-ExchangeServer OnpremCas1| fl
Get-HybridConfiguration | fl
Test-OrganizationRelationship –Identity "On-premises to O365*" -UserIdentity [email protected] -Verbose

to run the health check from Office 365 Cloud to on-premise Exchange Servers follow the Part 2.