Azure Administrator 2 Days Classroom Training (15 hours) 29th – 30th November 2019

Exam AZ-103: Microsoft Azure Administrator

Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15-20%)
Manage Azure subscriptions
•     assign administrator permissions
•     configure cost center quotas and tagging
•     configure policies at Azure subscription level
Analyze resource utilization and consumption
•       configure diagnostic settings on resources
•       create baseline for resources
•       create and test alerts
•       analyze alerts across subscription
•       analyze metrics across subscription
•       create action groups and action rules
•       monitor for unused resources
•       monitor spend
•       report on spend
•       utilize log queries in Azure Monitor
•       view alerts in Azure Monitor
Manage resource groups
•    use Azure policies for resource groups
•    configure resource locks
•    configure resource policies
•    identify auditing requirements
•    implement and set tagging on resource groups
•    move resources across resource groups
•    remove resource groups
Managed role based access control (RBAC)
•    create a custom role
•    configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles
•    configure management access to Azure, troubleshoot RBAC, implement RBAC policies, assign RBAC Roles
Implement and manage storage (15-20%)
Create and configure storage accounts
•       configure network access to the storage account
•       create and configure storage account
•       generate shared access signature
•       install and use Azure Storage Explorer
•       manage access keys
•       monitor activity log by using Monitor Logs
•       implement Azure storage replication
•       implement Azure AD authentication
Import and export data to Azure
•       create export from Azure job
•       create import into Azure job
•       use Azure Data Box
•       configure and use Azure blob storage
•       configure Azure content delivery network (CDN) endpoints
Implement Azure backup
•    configure and review backup reports
•    perform backup operation
•    create Recovery Services Vault
•    create and configure backup policy
•    perform a restore operation
Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (15-20%)
Create and configure a VM for Windows and Linux
•     configure high availability
•     configure monitoring, networking, storage, and virtual machine size
•     deploy and configure scale sets
Automate deployment of VMs
•     modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template
•     configure location of new VMs
•     configure VHD template
•     deploy from template
•     save a deployment as an ARM template
•     deploy Windows and Linux VMs
Manage Azure VM
•    add data discs
•    add network interfaces
•    automate configuration management by using PowerShell Desired State Configuration
(DSC) and VM Agent by using custom script extensions
•    manage VM sizes 
•    move VMs from one resource group to another
•    redeploy VMs
•    soft delete for Azure VMs
Manage VM backups
•    configure VM backup
•    define backup policies
•    implement backup policies
•    perform VM restore • Azure Site Recovery
Configure and manage virtual networks (30-35%)
Create connectivity between virtual networks
•     create and configure VNET peering
•     create and configure VNET to VNET connections
•     verify virtual network connectivity
•     create virtual network gateway
Implement and manage virtual networking
• configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual network
Create and configure a Network Security Group (NSG)
•     create security rules
•     associate NSG to a subnet or network interface
•     identify required ports
•     evaluate effective security rules
Implement Azure load balancer
• configure internal load balancer, configure load balancing rules, configure public load balancer, troubleshoot load balancing
Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking
• monitor on-premises connectivity, use Network resource monitoring, use Network Watcher, troubleshoot external networking, troubleshoot virtual network connectivity
Integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network
• create and configure Azure VPN Gateway, create and configure site to site VPN, configure Express Route, verify on premises connectivity, troubleshoot on premises connectivity with Azure
Manage identities (15-20%)
Manage Azure Active Directory (AD)
•     add custom domains
•     Azure AD Join
•     configure self-service password reset
•     manage multiple directories
Manage Azure AD objects (users, groups, and devices)
•     create users and groups
•     manage user and group properties
•     manage device settings
•     perform bulk user updates
•     manage guest accounts
Implement and manage hybrid identities
•    install Azure AD Connect, including password hash and pass-through synchronization
•    use Azure AD Connect to configure federation with on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
•    manage Azure AD Connect
•    manage password sync and password writeback
Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA)
• configure user accounts for MFA, enable MFA by using bulk update, configure fraud alerts, configure bypass options, configure Trusted IPs, configure verification methods